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Instituto Carijós Pró-Conservação da Natureza (current Instituto Espaço Silvestre) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, established in 1999 in order to support the implementation and participatory management of Brazilian conservation units, through research, environmental education and community mobilization.


Some of the most important actions and projects of the Institute include the "Implementation of the Management Plan for the Estação Ecológica de Carijós" and partnership in the activities were carried out with REBIO the Arvoredo, Anhatomirim APA's and Pirajubaé RESEX. Upon completion of the work at ESEC Carijós, ICMBio assumed its management and Intituto Carijós began a new phase. To learn more about the projects developed by the Intituto Carijós click here. For information about Estação Ecológica de Carijós, visit their website.

In 2010 a group of friends passionate about wildlife gathered to establish Espaço Silvestre, an informal organization working voluntarily for Brazilian wildlife. In december 2011, with the first grant accepted in hands, Espaço Silvestre started a partnership with Instituto Carijós. Since then,  Instituto is the new home of the first parrot reintroduction project in a Brazilian National Park with a long term goal to establish a viable A. vinacea population at the Araucarias National Park, Santa Catarina, Brazil.


In february 2013, having completed the first year of the project with proven success, the members of Instituto Espaço Silvestre were elected to the board and technical coordination of Instituto Carijós. In february 2014, Instituto Carijós changed its name to Instituto Espaço Silvestre.





We are a non-profit organization, with the mission to develop and promote biodiversity conservation.

Our current objectives are:


(1) Reintroduce vinaceous-breasted amazon (Amazona vinacea) in the

Araucarias National Park providing the support needed to establish a viable population;


(2) Educate people about the vinaceous-breasted amazon and its habitat;


(3) Create opportunities to promote sustainable socio-economic development

for the communities living around the Araucarias National Park;


(4) Gain scientific knowledge about the vinaceous-breasted amazon and wildlife reintroduction practices.





Espaço Silvestre Institute is a non-governmental organization composed of a General Assembly, the supreme body in the hierarchy, formed by members of the board, fiscal council and the founders.


The General Assembly's duties include approving the report of activities and balance sheets, as well as electing members of the councils and board. The board’s primary role is to discuss the goals, guidelines and performance indicators, and to assist the development of fundraising programs. On the other hand, the Fiscal council is responsible for issuing feedback of the balance submitted by the Board, opining on the financial transactions and oversee the compliance with the Statute of the institution. Click here to read our Statute.

Espaço Silvestre Institute manages the flow of resources in a transparent and accountable manner. Check out our profile at the Transparency Portal (in Portuguese), access here our Balance Sheet and check our Audited financial statements:


Audited financial statements 2015


Audited financial statements 2016

Annual report 2017

Annual report 2018

Annual report 2019






Instituto Carijós logo
Mission and goals
Ligia Jahn Presidente - Instituto Espaço Silvestre

Business woman. She worked in the photographic market for 18 years, she has been director manager of a company for machinery inputs and photographic material and commercial director of the photographic retail store network. In 1998 she founded a publishing business Editora Photos, with two periodicals publications and various photographic books. Currently manages the Politrade Ltda, a company that invests in the real estate market with rental purposes. In 2010 she started a fauna maintenance project as a wildlife animal keeper, the Refugio das Aves. Click here to view the full curriculum.

Ligia Jahn (Volunteer)


Dr. Paula Schommer Vice-presidente Instituto Espaço Silvestre

She has a PhD in business administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation, SP. Master in Administration by Federal University of Bahia and graduated in Business Administration from the University of Caxias do Sul, RS. She is currently professor of public administration at the University of the State of Santa Catarina (UDESC/ESAG) and collaborating professor of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), by the interdisciplinary Centre for Social Development and Management (CIAGS). She works voluntarily with various civil society organizations and social projects. She is part of the National Network of Researchers in Social Management and the International Society for Third-Sector Research. Among her topics of interest in research are: coproduction of public good, accountability, governance, public management, social management, social and territorial development and private social investment. Click here to view the full curriculum.

Dr. Paula Schommer (Volunteer)

Vice President

Eloiza Poletto Tesoureira Instituto Espaço Sivestre

Bachelor of law by Unipar and Univali universities since 2006, technical in real estate transactions since 1997 and accredited by Creci since 2008 with the number 13445. Currently working on two real estate companies: in the Politrade Ldta manages and administers commercial rents and in the Desc Real Estate sells high standard proprieties. She is also an investor in the same industry. Between 2002 and 2007 she managed the financial, administrative and human resources of a holding company with seven photografic industry companies.

Eloiza Poletto (Volunteer)


Fiscal Council
Sandra Tavares Conselheira Fiscal Instituto Espaço Sivestre

Technical décor by Escola Panamericana de Arte (São Paulo/SP). Assists in the coordination of events and manufacturing of products.

Fiscal Counselor

Sandra Tavares (Volunteer)

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Bachelor of Laws from UNIVALI, graduated in 2006. He was assistant to the Public Prosecutor's Office, in Itajaí / SC, from 2006 to 2013. He was an auditor at the Santa Catarina Sports Court, from 2015 to 2019. Lawyer registered at OAB / SC, since 2014, partner at Renê Rotta Advogados Associados.

Fiscal Counselor

Rodrigo Contini Cavagnoli (Volunteer)

Desiree Tavares Marei Conselheira Fiscal Instituto Espaço Sivestre

Graduate in Pharmacy and Biochemistry majoring in Clinical and Toxicological Analysis at the University Camilo Castelo Branco, served as pharmaceutical clinical at Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia, SP. She currently lives in Florianópolis/SC and works in the pharmacy area.

Conselheira Fiscal

Desiree Tavares Marei (Volunteer)

Advisory Board
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Administrator graduated from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Partner at SÃO THIAGO business consultancy, he has worked for 20 years as a consultant in the areas of Strategy and Cooperation. Consultant accredited to Brazilian Micro and Small Enterprises' Support Service (SEBRAE). It works with business associations and federations.
He was a consultant for CEJESC - State Council for Young Entrepreneurs, CEME - State Council for Women Entrepreneurs, the Pact for Innovation in the state of Santa Catarina, the Technological Pole of Florianópolis and the region, among other collective projects with SEBRAE. It also operates in the areas of Digital Marketing and Distance Learning.

Mário Augusto São Thiago (Volunteer)


Adrian Eisen Rupp Conselheiro Consultivo Instituto Espaço Sivestre

He is biologist with bachelor degree from the Regional University of Blumenau, where he worked in the Laboratory of Ecology and Ornithology. Since 2003 he works on research with birds of the Atlantic Forest, Araucaria Forest and Natural Fields. He worked with environmental assessment, doing surveys and inventories of birds for Management Plans of protected areas. He was also one of the coordinators publishing the first list of endangered birds of Santa Catarina State in 2011 and he collaborates elaborating the Action Plans for endangered species of the southern fields and for the threatened parrots of the Atlantic Rain Forest. Since 2009 he is also a bird-watching guide, conducting expeditions in Brazil, Peru and Argentina.

Adrian Eisen Rupp (Volunteer)


Vitor de Q. Piacentini Conselheiro Consultivo Instituto Espaço Sivestre

Biólogo, natural de Florianópolis, tendo graduado em Ciências Biológicas pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2003), com mestrado em Ecologia e Conservação pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (2006), doutorado em Zoologia pela Universidade de São Paulo (2011) e com pós-doutorados pelo Museu de Zoologia da USP (2014) e outro pela Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Philadelphia, EUA (2016). Desde 2012 é diretor-geral do Comitê Brasileiro de Registros Ornitológicos, do qual faz parte desde 2003. Foi também secretário da Sociedade Brasileira de Ornitologia (2005-2007) e atuou no corpo editorial e como revisor de vários pediódicos científicos. Atualmente é também pesquisador associado da Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University. Clique aqui para visualizar o currículo completo.

Vitor de Q. Piacentini (Volunteer)


Renê Elias Rotta Conselheiro Consultivo Instituto Espaço Sivestre

Lawyer, with bachelor degreed from the University of the Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI, partner of the Renê Rotta Associated Lawyers office, in Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. He is focused in private law and he has been Auditor of the Sports Court since 2004.

Renê Elias Rotta (Volunteer)


Rafael Mariano Araujo Bezerra Conselheiro Consultivo Instituto Espaço Sivestre

Lawyer, with postgraduate degreed in civil proceeding from the PUC / São Paulo, partner of the Boschi Pigatti and Sigollo Lawyers office, with business law, in São Paulo, Brazil. Click here to view the full curriculum.

Rafael Mariano Araujo Bezerra (Volunteer)


Felipe Fantacini Conselheiro Consultivo Instituto Espaço Sivestre

É Biólogo, formado pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2013), e mestre em Ecologia Aplicada pelo programa Erasmus Mundus “Interational Master in Applied Ecology”. Dentro desse programa fez especialização de segundo ano em "Ecologia e Conservação" pela Universidade de East Anglia no Reino Unido (2015). Uniu-se ao Instituto Espaço Silvestre em 2016 para atuar como assistente do projeto de reitrodução do papagaio-de-peito-roxo. Com sua mudança de estado, deixei a equipe tecnica para integrar o conselho do IES. Clique aqui para visualizar o currículo completo.

Felipe Moreli Fantacini (Volunteer)


Technical Team
Technical Team
Vanessa Kanaan Diretora técnica Instituto Espaço Sivestre

She has a post-doc in Ecology from Federal University of Santa Catarina (2012), PhD in Animal Sciences from Purdue University, USA (2008), and a B.S. in psychology and biology from Campbellsville University, USA (2002). Specialized in Ethology, Animal Welfare and Conservation, acting on the following topics: rehabiltation, release and monitoring of wild animals, social behaviour, conditioning and environmental enrichment. Creator and responsible for the reintroduction project of the vinaceous-breasted amazon (Amazona vinacea) in the Araucarias National Park, SC, as well as technical director of the Intituto Espaço Silvestre. Click here to view the full curriculum.

Vanessa Kanaan, PhD

Technical Director

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She has a veterinary doctor graduated from the Federal University of Paraná, resident at the Clinic and Surgery of Wild Animals of CETAS / PUCPR / IBAMA and at the Veterinary Hospital of UFPR. Also holds a master's degree in veterinary science focusing on zoological medicine. She is dedicated to the study of wildlife medicine since graduation, through internships and volunteers in CETAS, zoos, unconventional pet clinics and wildlife conservation projects. He is currently a PhD student in Veterinary Sciences at UFPR, a veterinary and technical responsible at Espaço Silvestre Institute.

Andreise Costa Przydzimirski

 Veterinary, Technical Responsible

Thaís Brisque Coordenadora Ex-situ Instituto Espaço Sivestre

She has a bachelor degree in biological sciences from the Federal University of São Carlos (2017) and environmental management technology degree from the University Center Padre Anchieta (2011). As an undergraduate, she worked in the area of birds ecology and conservation. In addition, she was intern and volunteer at the area of wildlife conservation and environmental education. She joined the Espaço Silvestre Institute in 2017 .Click here to view the full curriculum.

Thaís Brisque

Ex-situ Coordinator

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She has a bachelor degree in biological sciences from Nove de Julho University and is specialized in Wildlife care and Conservation by Santo Amaro University. Janaína has a great experience in animal care, she worked for three years as a biologist at the São Paulo Zoo as part of the Professional Improvement Program and worked for four years as animal management technician at the São Paulo Aquarium. She joined the Espaço Silvestre Institute in 2019 as a biologist at the Florianópolis CETAS (Wildlife Screening and Rehabilitation Center) as part of the wild life management, rehabilitation and release team.

Janaína Aparecida de Moraes

Wildlife care Coordinator

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She has a postgraduate degree in wildlife management and conservation by UNISA and a specialization in medical and surgery in exotic pets and wild animals by Qualittas Institute. She is a veterinary doctor graduated from FMU - São Paulo (2015). During graduation, she did internships and volunteers mainly with non-conventional pet clinics and in wildlife triage and rehabilitation centers. She worked as a veterinarian at CETAS Barueri and in 2019 she joined the Espaço Silvestre Institute as Veterinary Clinic coordinator at the Florianópolis CETAS (Wildlife Screening and Rehabilitation Center) and as part of the veterinary team.

Larissa Rezende Paulino, DVM


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She is a veterinary doctor graduated from the State University of Ceará (2015). She did residency in wildlife clinic and surgery by the University of Brasilia (2018). During graduation held internships and volunteer work at various institutions, focusing on rehabilitation, release and post-release monitoring. During the residency she worked in the CETAS from Brasilia and at the Brasília Zoo. She worked as a coordinator in the Wildlife Rescue and Removal Subprogram in the vegetation suppression areas of the BR-242 / MT, through the Uniselva Foundation and the Federal University of Mato Grosso. She joined the Espaço Silvestre Institute in 2019 as volunteers coordinator at the Florianópolis CETAS (Wildlife Screening and Rehabilitation Center) and as part of the veterinary team.

Thaís Alencar, DVM


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She is a veterinarian graduated from the University of the State of Santa Catarina (UDESC) and specializing in Clinic and Surgery of Wild and Exotic Animals at Faculdade Método de São Paulo (FAMESP). Since graduation, he has done internships and volunteers in the area of wildlife management, wild animal screening and rehabilitation, clinic and non-conventional pet surgery. She worked as a veterinarian of exotic animals in a private company for almost two years and in 2020 joined the team of veterinarians at Instituto Espaço Silvestre at CETAS in Florianópolis.

Anna Carolina da Cunha Montichel, DVM



He is a biologist, graduated from Federal University of Santa Catarina (2012). DAs an undergraduate, he focused on conservation work for different animal groups, especially amphibians. Has experience in biogeography and designing models of areas for environmental protection. In addition, he has experience in fundraising and environmental public policies, contributing to the formulation of various environmental programs and legislation on the subject. Throughout his academic journey, he has always been related to popularization of science, co-authoring the book “Sporum: dispersing knowledge” and various didactic and biology dissemination materials. He is currently part of the Instituto Silvestre Institute's technical team, working as an assistant to the vinaceous-breasted parrot reintroduction project developed in the Araucarias National Park in Santa Catarina.

Matheus Feldstein Haddad

Project Assistant

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She holds a bachelor' and a teaching degree in Biology with emphasis in marine biology from Santa Cecília University, Santos - SP. She was a PIBIC / CNPq fellow at the Fisheries Institute in Santos. Bruna worked for more than 4 years in the administrative sector in private companies and in June of 2019 joined the Espaço Silvestre Institute as an administrative assistant at CETAS in Florianópolis. Click here to view the complete curriculum.

Bruna Rodrigues Bernardes

Management Assistant

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She is a Biologist, graduated from São Paulo State University (UNESP / Assis) and has a postgraduate degree in Conservation and Management of Fauna, from University of Santo Amaro (UNISA). She worked as a volunteer at the Sorocaba Zoo, both in the area of Environmental Education, as well as in the Management area and also at the Center for Wildlife Conservation (CECFAU), of the Foundation of the São Paulo Zoo Park.
In graduate school, he developed an environmental enrichment work aimed at the rehabilitation of an individual of southern tiger cat (Leopardus guttulus). He has experience in conservation, animal treatment and environmental enrichment techniques. In January 2020, he joined the team of keepers of the Instituto Espaço Silvestre at CETAS in Florianópolis.

Mayara de Souza Ribeiro

Animal keeper

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She is a biologist with a bachelor degree from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Sorocaba campus (2017). Throughout her graduation, she carried out internships and volunteer work in several institutions, gaining experience in the areas of animal conservation, wildlife management and monitoring, marine biology and environmental education. In addition, she worked as a field assistant in environmental consulting. She joined the Espaço Silvestre Institute in 2019 as part of the animal keepers team in the Florianópolis CETAS (Wildlife Screening and Rehabilitation Center). Click here to view the complete curriculum.

Julia Rodrigues Salmazo

Animal keeper

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He is an environmental technician, graduated in 2015 from the Technical School Cristo Redentor in Rio de Janeiro and is currently a student of Environmental Management at the University Estácio de Sá. He has worked as an animal keeper since 2016, most of the time with neo-tropical primates.

Marcelo Pereira Silveira

Animal keeper

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She is a student of biological sciences, during her graduation she held several voluntary work in the area of animal management to gain professional experience. She has worked in research and conservation projects in institutions such as the TAMAR Project in Ubatuba -SP, performing environmental education activities, rehabilitation and management of sea turtles; in the Ubatuba Aquarium she became involved with marine wildlife focusing on cartilaginous fish. At the Ribeirão Preto Municipal Zoo - SP, she underwent a 1-year internship, passing through several sectors such as the vivarium, environmental education, avian sector and aquarium. Her previous experience was as assistant in a veterinary clinic for exotic pets.  She joined the Espaço Silvestre Institute in 2019 as part of the animal keepers team in the Florianópolis CETAS (Wildlife Screening and Rehabilitation Center). 

Roberta Ribeiro

Animal keeper

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She held a Bachelor degree in Biological Sciences from Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Sorocaba campus (2018), with emphasis on Environmental Conservation. As an undergraduate conducted scientific research in the area of Theoretical Ecology and was vice president of Ambiens Jr. Consulting and Environmental Solutions - Junior Company of Biology at UFSCar Sorocaba. Also held internships and volunteer work in the conservation area, environmental education, management and rehabilitation of terrestrial and marine animals. She joined the Espaço Silvestre Institute in 2019 as part of the animal keepers team in the Florianópolis CETAS (Wildlife Screening and Rehabilitation Center). 

Thais Regina Zanella

Animal keeper

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Animal lover, he is 19 years old and joined the team in September 2019.

Matheus Soares do Canto

Maintenance Assistant

Dr. Marcus Vinicius Romero Veterinário Instituto Espaço Sivestre

Veterinary with a Masters and a Doctorate Degree in Animal Sciences from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.  Member of the following  National Conservation Action Plans: Crax blumenbachii, Cyanopsitta spixii, and the following Breeding programs: Pauxi mitu, Cyanopsitta spixii, Anodorhynchus leari). Scientific Director of the Brazilian Association of Wild Animals (ABRAVAS). Serves as a veterinary consultant for several wild birds rehabilitation and reintroduction projects, including the vinaceous-breasted amazon (Amazona vinacea) reintroduction project.  Click here to see full CV. 

Marcos Vinicius Romero, DVM (Volunteer)


Marcelo Key Sato Assitene do Projeto de educação ambiental Instituto Espaço Sivestre

He has a bachelor degree in Biological Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil. Currently he is completing a licentiate degree in the same course and studying  a Master degree in the program “Interunidades em Ensino de Ciências” at the same university. He is storyteller and works with science education for and with children. He already worked as assistant in pet shop, independent artist, researcher, volunteer teacher, speaker, DJ and amateur photographer. He likes museums, coffee and dreams. Click here to see full CV.

Marcelo Kei Sato (Volunteer)

Assistant of environmental education 

Alessandra Bizerra Educadora Instituto Espaço Sivestre

She has BS and BA degree in Biological Sciences (1992 and 2004), master degree in Biological Sciences (Zoology) (1998) and PhD in Education (2009), from the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil. She is professor of the Institute of Biosciences of the University of São Paulo, Vice-director of the USP Science and Technology Park and member of the Brazilian Biology Education Association Board (SBEnBio - National). She is coordinator of the research group CHOICES (Culture and Historicity in Out-of-School Innovations for Communication and Education in Science). She has experience acting on the following topics: non-formal education, popular science, learning and science teaching, production of teaching materials. She is a faculty member of the “Interunidades em Ensino de Ciências” at USP Click here to see full CV.

Alessandra Bizerra (Volunteer)


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She has a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the University of São Paulo (2017). She realized scientific initiation in Ecology under the title "Food delivery to the nestlings of Alectrurus tricolor in Itirapina Ecological Station, SP". She did an exchange in Animal Behaviour at Angli Ruskin University (Cambridge-UK) by Sciences Without Borders program (Jan / 2015-Jan / 2016). She volunteered as an animal keeper at Shepreth Wildlife Park. She is currently a Master Student in the Postgraduate Program in Wildlife Conservation by UFSCar São Carlos in partnership with the Zoological Park of São Paulo Foundation, carrying out the project "The role of environmental enrichment in the behavioral preparation of the vinaceous parrot (Amazona vinacea) for reintroduction in the Araucarias National Park, SC", in partnership with the Instituto Espaço Silvestre. She loves parrots and is interested in animal behavior, animal welfare and conservation.

Mariana Herminio Bressan Martins (Master student)

Assistant of behavioral research

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She is a graduate student at George Mason University in Virginia, USA. She is studying to
become a reintroduction biologist. Her research is focused on whether behavioral training in
captivity can prepare parrots for survival in the wild. She will be researching with IES this winter
studying the anti-predator behavior of vinaceous-breasted amazons in captivity pre-

Jessica Roberts

Assistant of behavioral research


She is a Biologist and Master in Biotechnology and Biosciences at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. She is currently a PhD student in the same postgraduate program. Always in love with wild animals, she has been trained in this area since her graduation, when she acted in the management, behavior and well-being of wild animals kept in captivity. Volunteer and internship in several institutions maintainers of fauna. In the master's degree, his research sought to assemble and test a protocol for genetic identification of species in birds seized in an illegal trade situation. PhD studies the genetic diversity of vinaceous-breasted parrot parrots and the development of in silico tools for the analysis of genetic data. Click here to see full CV. 

Leandra Fomentão (Volunteer)

Genetic research

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